Saints and Sinners Club
of Scotland
The idea of a Saints & Sinners Club has its roots in pre-war America. Established in both San Francisco and New York,
these clubs were originally established as charitable endeavours by the show business fraternity, initially for the benefit of its own community. Gradually, their remit widened and membership expanded
to include famous names from politics, horse racing, academia, business, sport and show business.
After the Second World War, contacts made with famous Americans such as Bing Crosby,
Fred Astaire and Glenn Miller led to the establishment of a similar Club in London in 1947,
part of whose aim was to foster Anglo-American relations.
The Club continues to flourish and its success led to some of its Scottish members forming a similar venture in Scotland.
Thus in 1965 the Saints & Sinners Club of Scotland was formed.
In recent years we have provided grants to over 120 charities,
and given away well over £100,000 each year.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Our Mission
The aim of the Club remains the same today as when it was founded over fifty years ago:
to bring together members from diverse backgrounds to raise money for its deserving charities and to do so cheerfully.

Our Vision
We endevour to enhance the lives of both those who help us, and those whom we help, making activities and days out fun for everyone.
Over the years we have supported some very small charities, helping disabled or under privileged children or adults,
as well as better known organisations such as Riding for the Disabled,
where we support the branches, rather than the whole organisation.
The letters we receive from our charities are effusive with their thanks and particularly,
when local authorities have reduced their support, we have in several cases enabled them to survive.
3D Drumchapel • Aberlour Childcare Trust • Abernethy Trust Ltd • Accord Hospice • Adventure Sailing Trust • Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia • Artlink Centre Ltd • Audio Description Association (Scotland) • Baillieston Community Care • Be Yonder Involve • Befriend a child
Upcoming Events
The club is run by a committee comprising of event conveners, treasurer, chair, immediate past chair,
secretary, and several other members of the club.
Current office bearers are as follows:
President • Max Stewart I Chair • Bruce Minto I Vice Chair • vacant I Treasurer • Fraser Campbell
Immediate Past Chair • Ryan Fletcher I Secretary • Gordon Lennox I Race Convener • Philip Martin
Golf Convener • David Harris I Shoot Convener • Angus Kerr
Jamie Matheson I Neil Watson I Gavin Hastings I John McLeish I David MacRobert I Alan Thornton I Joe Walsh
What do we live for if not to make the world
less difficult for each other.
George Elliot

In over fifty years, we have distributed in excess of £2,000,000 to charities – a considerable achievement for a Club of our size, whose fundraising is generated solely by members volunteering their time and expertise.
We very rarely support large charities or those based in England as the latter can be dealt with by the London branch. We aim to make a real difference to as many Scottish Charities as possible, thereby helping communities across Scotland.

Event Impact
Our annual calendar of events raises the vast majority of funds we donate to charity each year.
The active participation of our members and their guests at these events is key to our continued success in supporting charitable activities all over Scotland.
Get in Touch
If you feel you could help or that we could help you,
please don't hesitate to get in touch.

If you'd like to know more about The Saints and Sinners Club, or would like to learn more about the Charities we help,
please get in touch via e-mail.
Registered Charity: SC015290